
How Many Shillings Are In Pound

how many shillings are in pound

Dodd's fall: Former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd's fall to shill

Former Sen. Chris Dodd, now chairman of the Motion Picture Association…

January 22, 2012|Colin McEnroe, To Wit

We plain people of Connecticut would be well advised to limit the activities of U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, simply because we cannot afford to have another current or former senator join the ranks of the intensely disliked.

The Lieberman Problem has been lavishly chronicled in this space. Last week, it was former Sen. Chris Dodd's turn to ooze, Jabba-like, into the spotlight and croak unpalatable nonsense while decent people looked on, horrified.

Dodd now pulls down $1.2 million as the front man for the lobbying arm of the movie industry. As Salon's Glenn Greenwald pointed out last week, this would seem to fly in the face of his 2010 avowal that he would do no lobbying.

Shilling a Pound Pears
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Claire Rayner

As most people know, Dodd has devoted his recent hours — when not swanning around at the Golden Globes — to seeking the passage of the Stop Online Piracy Act, legislation that inspires such widespread revulsion that a whole bunch of major and minor websites went dark Wednesday in protest.

Dodd called the blackout a "dangerous" tactic and an "an abuse of power." To see this as anything more than the disgraceful posturing of a well-paid shill, you'd have to believe that society was somehow endangered by the absence of reddit.com. The biggest hole punched in the Internet was the blackout of Wikipedia, but how was that dangerous? Because people had to go look up things from original sources?

What's more, Wikipedia is offered to all without charge, mostly though volunteer efforts. Somehow, according to Dodd, shutting it down for a day violates some unspoken social covenant.

SOPA shuddered to a stop late Wednesday as key senators pulled out their support, despite having been co-sponsors. Their comments suggested they hadn't quite understood the bill they were co-sponsoring.

An award of King Charles I under his broad-seal, settling two shillings of the pound out of the rents of the houses in Norwich, for the maintenance of ... With a treatise vindicating the legality
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Humphrey Prideaux

I won't pretend to understand it either, despite quite a lot of time spent trying. Here is what I will say. Almost since the dawn of the Internet, big entertainment companies have understandably resented the way their content flows up onto sites like YouTube. They also don't like the current model for dealing with this, which requires them to catch it and complain about it.

Hence Viacom's billion-dollar lawsuit against YouTube, even though the latter was obediently scrubbing off Paramount movies and Sponge Bob episodes whenever the former asked them to.

Not good enough. The entertainment industry is in a protracted battle — bigger than any single piece of legislation — to make Internet companies afraid of what would happen if copyright-infringing content turned up on their sites. Forty-eight hours of content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Making sure that info-typhoon includes no episodes of Viacom's TV show"I Just Want My Pants Back"is a daunting problem.

SOPA men like Dodd claim the legislation is aimed only at offshore sites, but the language of the bill makes it seem easier for a company like Viacom to prevail against YouTube or — even more likely — against whatever the next YouTube is.

Meanwhile Dodd took his case to the airwaves on television's single most overrated "news" program "Morning Joe," a daily bazaar of Beltway harlotry unconvincingly dressed up as journalism.

None of his repulsively chummy questioners challenged his dubious claim that movie piracy costs jobs. I challenge it now. Dodd cited the 21 million illegal downloads of "Avatar." Does he think for a second that James Cameron will stop making movies because of it? Piracy hurts profits, not jobs.

Dodd continued to babble about counterfeited "brake pads, hand bags and bulletproof vests," as though this had anything to do with SOPA. At the end of five minutes, co-host Mika Brzezinski chirped, "Say hi to Jackie [Dodd's wife] for me!" Apparently this is in lieu of waving an actual flag that says "I am not a real journalist. This was not a real interview."

Meanwhile, Greenwald spoke for many in calling Dodd's SOPA pony show "base, corrupted subservience to industry."

So we must keep Blumenthal from acting like a Connecticut senator. Fortunately, his signature moment of last week was a stern lecture to shoe retailer Zappos on behalf of its customers, a not-isolated sign that he still thinks he's attorney general.

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